welcome to the riley site

I make strange things using 3D modeling, custom sound design, video editing and websites

sometimes I make things

like this completely real footage of an art room on campus where nothing weird happens at all

This “footage” was made entirely in Blender and is a replica of a VISA room on campus. It was originally going to be a website where you could look at a “live security camera feed”. This feed would loop the first clip (base) and then seamlessly insert other clips at random as the viewer watched to simulate surreal and strange events while monitoring a security system.

Some of these events were incredibly subtle such as a chair moving, or straight-up scary with random figures appearing in the distance, disappearing as soon as you look away.

Eventually, I wanted to have enough random clips for someone to be able to watch for hours and not see everything. The idea was to intrigue people enough to randomly come back to see if anything had changed.

but it turned out this was insanely complicated to do with basic tools (django w/ jquery) so I didn’t have time to finish

here’s a couple animations from an interactive website project

the start-up animation for the AI character controlling the “facility”

a loop that played while the AI was talking to the player

This website was a portfolio in disguise, where the player would navigate through a “facility” and solve puzzles to try to escape an AI that had taken over the facility (not actually an AI, just prerecorded videos). Along the way, different projects I made would act as lore objects. Each video had full sound design and I voiced the AI myself using the Vocodex Vocoder.

The whole site was custom made from scratch using Django as a back-end as well as base CSS & JQuery for the interactivity.

Unfortunately (?), Heroku (a web hosting service) phased out their free hosting tier, so the website only exists locally now.