welcome to the riley site

I make strange things using 3D modeling, custom sound design, video editing and websites

sometimes I make things

like this completely real footage of an art room on campus where nothing weird happens at all

here’s a couple animations from an interactive website project

the start-up animation for the AI character controlling the “facility”

a loop that played while the AI was talking to the player

This website was a portfolio in disguise, where the player would navigate through a “facility” and solve puzzles to try to escape an AI that had taken over the facility (not actually an AI, just prerecorded videos). Along the way, different projects I made would act as lore objects. Each video had full sound design and I voiced the AI myself using the Vocodex Vocoder.

The whole site was custom made from scratch using Django as a back-end as well as base CSS & JQuery for the interactivity.

Unfortunately (?), Heroku (a web hosting service) phased out their free hosting tier, so the website only exists locally now.